Important Information
Dear international guests,
Please read the following information and pass it on to your team members.
The following special pandemic rules apply. Please observe that these rules may be subject to short term changes according to the pandemic situation. Please look for changes here before you depart.
Based on current laws and regulations the following protective measures are to be observed in the Sports Center and in the pool area. Additional Info can be found here: Compliance with these measures is secured by posted information and controlled by staff and club officials. In case of violations legal rights can be exercised!
- Access to the Sports Center and the Pool is only possible with a certified up to date COVID-19 vaccination or recovery document along with a photo ID. Overnight accommodations additionally require a certified negative COVID-19 test not older than 24 hours.
- For registration each club has to bring signed declarations of consent from all participants (swimmer, coach, oficials, and companions) and a List of participants (here also an Excel version). These documents must be shown by a club official on arrival and before entering the Sports Center.
- All teams will sit in the upper part or other designated areas of the Sports Center. The spectator area of the pool is not accessible. Each club must bring a supervisor taking care of the team's sitting area. Small teams may join to one group supervised by only one person. Coaches stay inside the swimming hall.
- At the pool only athletes set for the heats immediately ahead, their coaches and meet officials are allowed. An exception is valid only for disabled athletes who if necessary may be accompanied by an assistant.
- For warm-up both pool sides (window and tower side) may be used. There will be no sprint lanes. During the competition the window side may be used for a max. 10 minute quiet relaxion in own responsibility.
- The window side of the whole pool is reserved for the pre-start area. It ends below the tower and extends back for advancing heat-wise to the start. At the pool the minimal distance (1.5m) to other persons must be kept at all times! All swimmers must show up on time in the pre-start area before the start!
- In and in front of all rooms of the Sports Center and in the swimming hall, locker and shower rooms it is recommended to observe the distance rule (1.5m). While exercising you may fall below the minimal distance. Coaches and assistants are advised to avoid close contacts. Wearing a mouth/nose cover is recommended.
- Sanitary rules for hands, coughing, and sneezing must be observed. At the entry to the Sports Centers you can desinfect your hands.
- All toilet and wash rooms must be used by only one person at a time. Corresponding notices are posted.
 On the entry level of the Sports Center Fa. JO BUSSE is selling swim wear and equipment.
Additional Information
- During the competition result sheets will be posted in the main access way to the changing rooms. Detailed heat results (still inofficial) and our Live! Result Filter can be seen online in the Internet. You can see the results including all 50m split times immediately after each race.
- Victory ceremonies cannot be held. Certificates are available online only.
- Important: For the lockers in the changing rooms you need to bring your own padlocks ! Please do not leave your personal belongings unattended in the changing rooms.
- In the pool area the Swimming Hall Rules apply. Club officials and coaches are responsible to watch that these rules are kept.
- Important: Food is not allowed inside the swimming hall. Glass bottles must not be brought into these rooms !!!
- All rooms not directly connected to the swimming hall except changing rooms or other specially defined rooms may not be entered. The Sports Center Supervisors will deny all further access to the Center to all unauthorized persons watched in these rooms (video surveillance) !!!
- In case that swimmer data is represented incorrectly in the meet entry lists please report immediatly to
We wish you a good journey and a successful and enjoyable swimming competition.
Schwimmverein Wiking Kiel
Event Organisation